Know the influenza disease

Posted by admin | 8:40 AM | | 0 comments »

Erratic weather does make a lot of people got the flu.
Flu is usually also accompanied by fever.

Indirectly when we had the flu really affect the mindset and actions to be taken. Doing any thing to be disturbed or not the spirit.

Influenza, commonly referred to as the flu or respiratory infections due to other viruses, an infectious disease caused primarily by the family of Orthomyxoviridae RNA viruses that affect birds and mammals. The name influenza comes from the Italian: influenza, meaning: "affect". (Latin: influentia).

Common symptoms of this disease is the body feels chills, fever, sore throat, muscle aches, severe headache, coughing, weakness and discomfort. The most frequent symptoms are fever and cough.

In more serious cases, influenza causes pneumonia, which can cause death, especially for young people and parents.

To fend off and fight the flu virus from the body, many myths in circulation is believed many people, here are myths:
1. If rain or finished shampoo, wet hair will catch cold.
Fact: This is not true, because someone will get the flu if the body resistance decreases. So if someone finished the rain or wash but his durability will be maintained, then the person will not get the flu.

2. Drinks / food / warm steam to relieve symptoms of flu (blocked nose)
Fact: This is not entirely true, indeed the type of food / beverage or a warm steam resulted in relaxation of airway wall tissue and the melting of mucus that clogged nasal symptoms temporarily disappear. After consuming food / drink warm is the flu-like symptoms (blocked nose) will reappear.

3. Body covered / wrapped in a blanket in patients with flu.
Fact: This is not true, because the body wrap by using a blanket to inhibit or evaporation and release of heat from the body, so the fever / heat does not go down.

4. Eliminate heat in patients with flu-through method compresses with cold water or ice.
Fact: This is not entirely true, especially in patients with flu for children by using a cold compress or ice water, can lower the body temperature is too drastic may lead to decreased metabolism so that impede the healing process of the flu.

5. Consuming lemon and ginger, are believed to overcome the interference in the throat symptoms of flu.
Fact: This is not entirely correct because, although the ginger and lime juice have the effect of warm and thin the mucus so that the throat flu sufferer feels good and comfortable, but the situation was only temporary. Because after they finish eating ginger and lime in some time later, the symptoms of itchy throat and a lot of mucus, could arise again.

In essence, that the myths that developed in the community as mentioned above can not help cure flu symptoms and even of course if the flu, so it can interfere with our activities. From the above myth is that there is truth (2.4 and 5) remains to be done to relieve the symptoms of flu.

But certainly necessary way of overcoming flu-like symptoms following matters:

  1. Increase endurance by eating nutritious foods (vegetables and fruits), adequate rest, and drink water at least 2 liters / day.
  2. Cold medicine to cope with the symptoms of flu. Appropriate cold medicine, namely that contains:
    • Anti-pain and anti-heat (Analagetik / Anti piretik) for the symptoms: fever, headache, muscle and joint nyerfi.
    • Lowering swelling (decongestants) for symptoms: nasal congestion
    • Anti Allergy (Anti-Histamine) for the symptoms: sneezing and itching of the nose / throat.

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