Age man is predestined by God. However, according to new research from Denmark, those born after 2000 have a chance to live to 100 years! To you who were born before 2000, do not despair because in fact we can also add a long life expectancy.

Is this true? Yeah .... between believing and not, for it is a study of science. But everything in this world already exist that regulate, namely the Creator of this Earth.

Genetic and luck does play a major role in the short length of one's age. However, two factors can not be controlled. "In fact, there are many other factors we can control. The key is to make healthy life," said Walter Bortz II, from Stanford University. For example, reducing the stress will increase to 6 years of age or mengasup familiar vegetables and fruits will increase the age of 5 years, and many more.

Increasing age can not be avoided. However, instead of declining health can not be avoided. Embodied the ideals of healthy living to old age with a few tips:

1. Periodic holidays

One way to look younger than actual age is to make themselves available to take a vacation. This activity will make your body and mind more relaxed so that the ill effects of stress do not occur. Leaving the prolonged tension is tantamount to putting your finger on the button "advanced" on the remote control your biological.

2. Enough sleep

Did you know, lack of sleep will cause the body cells a chance to improve themselves is reduced. Arrange 6-7 hours of sleep each night. This custom is said will add to your age of two years longer.

3. Regular Sex

Pleasurable sexual activities of both parties will help the body remove antistres hormone, oxytocin. Sexual activity also will burn 200 calories.

4. Fruits and vegetables fresh

Research conducted at several places where the population live long and in good health, such as in Okinawa (Japan) or local Hunza (Pakistan), indicating that they regularly eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They also limit the consumption of fat, sugar, and salt.

5. Sports

This advice is a cliche, but it must be admitted that the exercise proved to make the body more fit and healthy. Those who are accustomed to exercise since the young will live to advanced age with the energy and incredible passion.

6. Have a hobby

Sharpen your brain by doing fun activities. Several types of games also proved to be sharpen the brain. For example, playing chess or playing video games, Tetris. Research conducted in Mexico showed that playing Tetris for 30 minutes every day will delay the damage to the brain.

7. Doing good

Do good must not delay. A study showed, those who had a habit of doing good to others mostly can reach more than 80 years of age. Other research shows, social activities will balance the physical and mental health.

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